Monday, July 23, 2012

15.) Hurricane Irene

Remember the movie Independence Day? Of course you do, it's was life-changing. But do you remember when everyone found out they were being invaded by aliens? They went nuts - running around, tipping over trash cans, screaming and shit. Well, that was sort of what the lead up to Hurricane Irene was like in 2011.

A little while before Irene, NYC was hit with an awful blizzard. And, of course, Mayor Bloomberg kind of dropped the ball with handling it. So, when suddenly news spread that a hurricane was going to hit NYC (quite an unusual and slightly terrifying event), Bloomberg made it his mission not to screw it up. He evacuated certain sections of the city, shut down the subway, bombarded us with messages that the world would truly end because of the storm.

So, naturally, everyone stayed calm and monitored the severity of the storm.... just kidding, we freaked the fuck out. We boarded up, evacuated, stayed with friends, pillaged grocery stores for water and canned goods. My friend made me plug by bath tub and fill it with water in case our supply was shut off. I had family members call and offer me a train ticket away from inevitable death. We all sat down and prepared for the worst...

So, what happened? A really awesome thunder storm, but a really shitty hurricane. We were all fine...

By Joe Lankheet

1 comment:

  1. I was hoping this would include the alien saviors theory...
