Tuesday, September 11, 2012

39.) It Can Be Very Lonely

Greta Garbo, legendary Swedish film actress, was once asked why she moved to New York City, to which she simply replied "I wanted to be alone." It seems odd that in one of the most densely populated cities in the entire world anyone could ever be alone, but you'd be surprised at how easy it can be. We walk around all day surrounded by millions of people, yet no one talks to us, no one approaches us. If I didn't have a job, roommates, or friends, I could go weeks without speaking to another human being. It can be a very lonely city...

My theory is that there are so many people that each individual becomes less important. If I rode the subway, and there was only one other person in the car, there would be a connection between us ("hey, we're the only 2 people on here!"), but when the car is full (as it usually is), each individual becomes part of the "crowd"--the nameless, faceless blob surrounding me, indistinguishable and unremarkable. This example is just a microcosm for the whole city. Suddenly, those 8 million other "people" just became wallpaper or set decoration. For anyone to take a moment and get to know you, there really needs to be something stopping them from just walking away.

So, for you brave adventurers who have decided to move to NYC, prepare yourself to feel like a tiny minnow in a vast, overwhelming ocean. It takes awhile to make friends. 

Written By Joe Lankheet

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