Monday, July 16, 2012

6.) You Can Get ANYTHING Delivered

Most people have 2 things delivered to their house: pizza and mail. Every once-in-awhile you'll order Chinese, or have a large appliance delivered, but it's really only because you're lazy. You have a car - just drive over there and throw that shit in the back. Easy peasy!

In New York, it's not so easy peasy. Anything we want has to be lugged back to our apartment. And trust me, if what you bring on the subway cannot fit on your lap, everyone on there hates you. Sure, you could take a cab, but that will end up costing more than what you went to get.

So, necessity being the mother of invention, some brilliant minds decided to start delivering everything (and I mean EVERYTHING). Here's a list off the top of my head of things that can easily be delivered in NYC: groceries, laundry, pet supplies, household items, cookies, liquor, drugs (legal and not-so-legal), cupcakes, condoms, a karaoke machine, cigarettes, Christmas trees, McDonald's, DVDs, and so on. All in less than 24 hours! I'm not talking about Amazon shipping you stuff from Seattle; I'm saying these things are less than a few miles away, and someone will get in a car and drive them to your apartment. 

Do I order everything to be delivered? No, I'm poor. I schlep it around like a moron. BUT, if I wanted, it could be delivered...

By Joe Lankheet

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